Artist in a range of media, born in Wallasey Cheshire, who studied at Birkenhead School of Art and Royal Academy Schools. He founded Tetrad Press in 1970 and organised and wrote the catalogue for the show British Artists’ Books 1970–83 with Silvie Turner. Was awarded a Brinkley Fellowship at Norwich School of Art, 1979–80. Group shows included Norwegian Print Biennale, 1980; Printmaking: Four Observations, Newcastle Polytechnic Gallery, 1982; and UEA Collection, Sainsbury Centre, Norwich, 1983. Later solo shows included Bookworks, 1985, and Flowers East, 1994, where Tyson showed paintings and relief constructions based on a simple frame-like motif. There was another at Avivson Gallery, Paris, in 1998. WAC, Victoria & Albert Museum, Tate Gallery and many other public collections worldwide hold examples.

Text source: 'Artists in Britain Since 1945' by David Buckman (Art Dictionaries Ltd, part of Sansom & Company)

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