Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion
Apollo Pavilion

© estate of Victor Pasmore. All rights reserved, DACS 2024. Image credit: Lynda Golightly / Art UK

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The 'Apollo Pavilion' is a cantilevered construction in reinforced concrete cast in situ, with iron railings and balusters. It consists of a series of cubic shapes forming four plinths which support an upper level above formed of partly interlocking, shapes of varying sizes. The structure straddles the eastern end of a small lake which drains to the east over a weir controlling the water levels. The lower floor of the pavilion crosses the lake at just above water level via a curving concrete path. Concrete steps with iron railings rise on the south side to the upper level, with an iron gate at the top (added in 2009). The pale concrete has two abstract hand-painted murals in black, on the inward facing sides of the outer ends. These were renewed in 2009.


Apollo Pavilion






H 640 x W 2500 x D 1130 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

Peterlee Development Corporation

Work type



Easington District Council


Easington District Council

Work status


Listing status

Grade II (England and Wales)

Listing date



at all times


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Located at

Oakside Drive, Peterlee


On a housing estate (Oakside Drive) in Peterlee. The artwork functions as a pedestrian walkway joining two parts of the estate.