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Christ in the House of His Parents ('The Carpenter's Shop')

Image credit: Tate

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This is Millais's first important religious subject, showing a scene from the boyhood of Christ. When it was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1850 it was given no title, but accompanied by a biblical quotation: 'And one shall say unto him, What are those wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.' (Zech. 13:6) Christian symbolism figures prominently in the picture. The carpenter's triangle on the wall, above Christ's head, symbolises the Holy Trinity. The wood and nails prefigure the crucifixion, as does the blood on the young Christ's hand, which he has cut on a nail, and which drips onto his foot. The young St John is shown fetching a bowl of water with which to bathe the wound. This clearly identifies him as the Baptist, and the image is extended by the white dove perched on the ladder, symbol of the Holy Spirit, which descended from Heaven at the baptism of Christ.

Tate Britain



Christ in the House of His Parents ('The Carpenter's Shop')




Oil on canvas


H 86.4 x W 139.7 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

Purchased with the assistance of the Art Fund and various subscribers 1921

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Inscription description

date inscribed

Tate Britain

Millbank, London, Greater London SW1P 4RG England

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