Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates
Norwich Gates

Image credit: Robert H Taylor / Art UK

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The gates are set between four piers, cast rather than wrought, iron which separate the carriage from the pedestrian entrances and are flanked by railings set on a brick base. The decoration above the main gate curves elegantly around the Prince of Wales’ coat of arms and at the side over the lamps. The top of the railings is decorated by ivy with rose and thistle - the emblems of Scotland and England - and by classically inspired acanthus beneath. this contrasts with Jeckyll’s mastery of naturalistic English wildflowers: lords and ladies and harts' tongue on the cornice, vine and grapes and - above the Boroughs’ coats of arms- sugar maple (identified by Roger Last). The restoration by Hodgsons replaces the missing decoration with new hand wrought flowers based on the originals and a detailed drawing from 1894.

Norwich Gates




metal & stone


H 762 x W 1219 x D (?) cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

purchased for HRH, the Prince of Wales, by public subscription, 1863

Work type



Sandringham Estate


Sandringham Estate

Work status


Listing status

Grade I (England and Wales)

Listing date



time restrictions apply


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Located at

Sandringham Estate, Dersingham Road, Sandringham

PE35 6EP

At the entrance to the estate.