Saints Matthew, Catherine of Alexandria and John the Evangelist

Image credit: The National Gallery, London

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Saint Catherine of Alexandria stands among the fragments of the spiked wheel on which she was tortured, which miraculously shattered during her ordeal. She holds a sword, the weapon that eventually killed her. To her left is Saint John the Evangelist, whose symbol of the eagle perches on a rock at his feet; to her right is Saint Matthew, whose symbol of an angel – shown here with large curved wings – crouches by his feet. This painting once formed the inner face of the left-hand shutter of an altarpiece (its central panel is now lost). The painting on the reverse of this panel is very damaged but it shows Saints Jerome and Gregory on either side of a female saint, possibly Saint Cordula; a figure wearing the robes of the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem kneels in the corner.

The National Gallery, London



Saints Matthew, Catherine of Alexandria and John the Evangelist


about 1450


Oil on oak


H 68.6 x W 58.1 cm

Accession number


Acquisition method

Presented by Queen Victoria at the Prince Consort's wish, 1863

Work type



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Normally on display at

The National Gallery, London

Trafalgar Square, London, Greater London WC2N 5DN England

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